私のブログへようこそ !

こんにちは!アリーシャ エイミー-ジェーン、意欲的なシンガー ソング ライター、英国からです。日本と韓国の歌を翻訳し、歌う人の英語歌詞を書きたいと思います。私の夢は、1 日、日本に住んでいるし、タレントのためすぐにオーディションに思って !私は願って彼らは私のような非常に神経質です。私は私は自分自身言語を少しずつ教えていますが、うまくいけば、私は十分で取得する知っているので日本語に堪能ではない !~

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[亜利詩矢] bad apple!! - Orchestra Ver. [Cover]

Possibly the worst cover I've ever uploaded. Ever. Like, seriously. It's terrible. But y'know, I think in a way, it's nice to upload the bad ones that you're not so proud of, because it means that other people can watch you progress, and it shows that you are getting better. I was new to making covers at this point, so my editing skills really weren't too great...

This is quite a short post, because I don't have too much to say about this song. Other than, this was a 'one-shot.' But then again, all of my songs are one-shots, unless they have layers of vocals, in which case, each layer has been recorded separately, but also as a 'one-shot'... I taught myself this song about a week after hearing it for the first time, as so many people had complained that it was too fast for them to sing. I wanted to challenge myself, but it failed, as I find this song pretty easy to sing now .-.

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